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Dr. Megan Lickley

Postdoctoral Associate

Megan is a postdoc in the Solomon group.  Her research focuses on the timing, uncertainty and impacts of climate change.  She takes a data science approach, integrating Earth models, process models and data to make inference about various aspects of climate change.  Her research has focused on questions related to time horizons of climate change, uncertainty in water cycle changes and impacts, and the spatial variability of sea level change.  She completed her PhD at MIT in May, 2020. 


Before starting her PhD she spent a year in the Democratic Republic of Congo teaching math courses at the Catholic University of Bukavu. She also consulted to the World Bank in Uganda, contributing to a climate change impacts report and strategy plan. In 2012, she completed her Master’s in the Technology and Policy Program at MIT, focusing on climate impacts on coastal infrastructure and spent the following year as a research associate at MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, studying climate impacts on river systems in the United States.


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